Experiences in Prayer & the Spiritual Life
We have selected a variety of excellent experiences for you - all designed to guide you in developing your prayer life and in growing the practices of the spiritual life. We have developed our offerings to make it easy for you to find a program or activity or resource that best addresses how you want to learn and grow in prayer and the spiritual life. You can select from a variety of large group, small group, and on-your-own activities - some are in-person, some online formats, and some have in-person and online components.
The learning activities are organized into three types of experiences. We also offer programs that are for all adults.
The learning activities are organized into three types of experiences. We also offer programs that are for all adults.
- For adults who are just getting started or need a refresher: We have activities that introduce you to prayer and spiritual practices. Look for the activities with introducing or developing in the title.
- For adults who are growing: We have activities that help you become more confident in your practice of prayer and growing in your spiritual life. Look for activities with growing in the title.
- For adults who want to go deeper: We have activities that will deepen your knowledge and practice of prayer and the spiritual life. Look for activities with going deeper in the title.
Experience #1 (all adults). Prayer Practices - A 5-Week Program
Experiences for adults who are getting started, need a refresher, or growing in prayer
Session 1. Prayer Styles & Traditions Session 2. Fixed-Hour Prayer Session 3. Contemplation & Meditation Session 4. Spiritual Reading & Praying with Art and Music Session 5. Sabbath Practices Choose How You Want to Participate
Experience #2. Learning to Pray - A Video Mini-Course with Fr. James Martin SJ
Experiences for adults who are getting started or need a refresher on praying
Download our Prayer Practices Sampler and try several of the prayer activities after you watch the videos.
Experience #3. Learning to Pray by Fr. James Martin
An 8-Part Book Study and Experience
Experiences for all adults from those just getting started to those who want to go deeper
Learning to Pray explains what prayer is, what to expect from praying, how to do it, and how it can transform us when we make it a regular practice in our lives. A trusted guide walking beside us as we navigate our unique spiritual paths, Fr. James Martin lays out the different styles and traditions of prayer throughout Christian history and invites us to experiment and discover which works best to feed our soul and build intimacy with our Creator. Father Martin makes clear there is not one secret formula for praying. But like any relationship, each person can discover the best style for building an intimate relationship with God, regardless of religion or denomination. Prayer, he teaches us, is open and accessible to anyone willing to open their heart. |
Choose How You Want to Participate
Experience #4. Explore a Prayer Practice on Your Own
Download the Prayer Sampler and try one or more of these prayer experiences.
Experience #5. Practicing Spirituality - Take an E-Course with a Spiritual Guide
Go Deeper with a Spirituality and Practice e-course delivered to you daily.
Practicing Spirituality with Parker J. Palmer
Parker J. Palmer is a remarkable visionary, writer, speaker, teacher, and social activist who over the past 30 years has boldly addressed the major challenges and vitalities of education, community life, spirituality, and contemporary culture and society. Palmer is the founder and senior partner of the Center for Courage and Renewal where he has done pioneer work on the inner dimensions of leadership and the heart-based possibilities of democracy. "Practicing Spirituality with Parker J. Palmer" is a 40-part e-course that will enable you to take to your soul this key question: "Is the life I'm living the same as the life that wants to live in me?" Via his writings Parker will be our spiritual advisor stirring within us a freshness and a flourishing that only a master teacher, seasoned seeker, and wounded healer could provide. You will also be able to listen to a recording of a two-hour teleconference held when this e-course was first offered in which Parker answers questions on a wide variety of subjects. |
Practicing Spirituality with Joyce Rupp
Joyce Rupp describes herself as a spiritual "midwife," a title that perfectly conveys the nurturing she does in her writing and teaching. She encourages us to bring our spirituality into the light of our everyday lives. Her books, workshops, and presentations always contain concrete spiritual practices, lively anecdotes, inspiring poetry, thoughtful journal exercises, guided meditations, and unique prayers. She has a gift for reading her own experiences and finding hints of God's presence in her daily activities. This 40-part e-course is based upon her writings. Subscribers receive an early morning email containing a short passage from one of Joyce Rupp's books and a simple suggested practice to do during the day to bring its wisdom into your life. We also work with some of her rituals and poetry every week. |
Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Keating
Thomas Keating is one of the foremost teachers of contemplative practices in the Christian tradition. He is a Trappist monk, a co-founder of the Centering Prayer movement, a prolific and accomplished author, the spiritual guide of Contemplative Outreach which has groups around the world, and a pioneer in the multifaith movement to foster understanding among the world's religions. This e-course consists of a short excerpt from one of Thomas Keating's books, a related practice or reflection question is then offered to encourage you to apply the teaching to your life. Weekly emails link to short videos of Fr. Thomas. |
Experience #7. Make a Retreat - Online
Creighton University Online Retreat
This is a retreat designed for people too busy to make a traditional retreat. People can experience a relationship with God coming alive in the midst of everyday life. A simple Guide each week places themes, reflections, questions and desires into the background of our busy lives. We learn to find greater focus and to let one week build upon another. Begin any time, but if a person begins the week of September 19th, the retreat fits with the Liturgical Year. People can make the retreat alone, with a spiritual director, or form a group to make the retreat together. |
Experience #8. Find an App for Daily Prayer
3-Minute Retreat
3-Minute Retreat invites you to take a short prayer break right and spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage.
d365 - Devotions 365 Days a Year (Young Adults) In these devotions, you will read honest struggles and questions, all in the context of real faith. As you read the thoughts of the writers, think about your own response to the scripture for the day. Let the writer’s words serve as background for your own conversation with God. Instrumental music is available for your devotional experience. Daily Prayer Daily Prayer is an experiential app designed to develop long lasting spiritual rhythms of prayer and scripture reading. Join in prayer and read scripture in the morning, midday, and evening,
Daily Prayer App (Presbyterian Church USA) The Daily Prayer app provides simple, yet rich devotional resources for morning, midday, evening, and close of day. Each service includes psalms and readings from the confessions. Other elements include opening and closing words, biblical canticles, a thanksgiving for light and a prayer of confession. An advanced features menu allows users to customize which elements appear. Jesuit Prayer - Daily Prayer Jesuit Daily Prayer includes a daily Scripture, Ignatian Reflection, and Ignatian Prayer. The prayer experience is provided every day of the week, with reflections rooted in Ignatian spirituality.
Pray As You Go Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, and lasting between ten and thirteen minutes with music, Scripture and questions for reflection.
Soulspace Soulspace meditation app has been created to help anchor your thoughts to the love of God and the way of Jesus. Soulspace seeks to rid the soul of fear and stress while filling it with truth and life. This creates the opportunity for true and lasting wholeness.
Experience #9. Take Time for Daily Devotion
Find a daily devotion that works for you!
Faith Gateway Daily Devotionals
www.faithgateway.com/topics/devotionals Franciscan Media Prayer Resources f you are drawn to words of inner reflection, Minute Meditations could be for you. If you find strength and solace in the lives of the saints, you’ll love our Saint of the Day. If you are looking for a simple way to pray, Pause + Pray can provide an easy structure to create a daily routine.
God Pauses www.luthersem.edu/godpause/ God Pause are short, meaningful daily devotions brought to you by the alumni of Luther Seminary. God Pauses can be accessed online or delivered via email each morning. Henri Nouwen Daily Meditation & Reflection henrinouwen.org Drawn from a wide range of Henri Nouwen’s writing, these short meditations inspire and guide people's mind and heart. Each reflection takes less than a minute to read and yet can set the tone for the day. It is sent via email in the early morning. Sacred Space www.sacredspace.ie Sacred Space is a daily online prayer experience in six movements including preparing your body and mind, and culminating in reflection on a Scripture passage chosen specially for the day. Society of Saint John the Evangelist https://www.ssje.org Society of Saint John the Evangelist offers daily prayer via email and seasons prayer activities, as well as the opportunity to join the Brothers online for prayer. |